- Improving readability by adding docstringsTRDR-23Resolved issue: TRDR-23Nicola Mometto
- Make Namespacing Consistent in generators.clj DocstringsTCHECK-30Resolved issue: TCHECK-30Reid Draper
- Docstring clarification + fixed typos + fixed 1 indentationTANAL-135Resolved issue: TANAL-135
- The docstring of condu is incorrect or at least confusingLOGIC-171David Nolen
- Fix missing docs on java.jdbc/prepare-statement 's :cursorJDBC-154Resolved issue: JDBC-154Sean Corfield
- Enhance Documentation and DocstringDPRIMAP-11Resolved issue: DPRIMAP-11Mark Engelberg
- Minor typos in README and docstringDIMAP-7Resolved issue: DIMAP-7Ben Cook
- Document that floating point numbers aren't supportedDGEN-4Stuart Halloway
- Better document how to extend with custom readers and writersDFRS-4Resolved issue: DFRS-4Alex Miller
- Docstring of with-redefs should mention usage of ^:dynamic in productionCLJS-3398Resolved issue: CLJS-3398David Nolen
- Typo in docstring of test-varsCLJS-3364Resolved issue: CLJS-3364Mike Fikes
- Add docstrings to uuid, uuid?, and random-uuidCLJS-3361Resolved issue: CLJS-3361Mike Fikes
- Update clojure.string/split docstring regarding trailing empty partsCLJS-3360Resolved issue: CLJS-3360Mike Fikes
- Clarify cljs.core/get docstring regarding sets, strings, arrays, ILookupCLJS-3359Resolved issue: CLJS-3359Mike Fikes
- Add definition to reify docstringCLJS-3358Resolved issue: CLJS-3358Mike Fikes
- Update conj docstring for missing aritiesCLJS-3296Resolved issue: CLJS-3296David Nolen
- Few typos and misplaced docstringsCLJS-3252Lauri Oherd
- Quote in goog-define docstring exampleCLJS-3148Resolved issue: CLJS-3148Mike Fikes
- assoc docstring regarding growing vectorCLJS-3143Resolved issue: CLJS-3143Mike Fikes
- load-namespace REPL special missing docstringCLJS-3065
- Doc that __hash is a reserved defrecord field nameCLJS-3062David Nolen
- Update sort-by and sort docstrings to indicate they will be stable sortsCLJS-3035
- "be come" should be "become"CLJS-3028Resolved issue: CLJS-3028
- s/fdef docstring should refer to cljs.spec.test.alpha/checkCLJS-2976Resolved issue: CLJS-2976Mike Fikes
- Docstring / parameter consistency for swap!, reset!, swap-vals!, and reset-vals!CLJS-2965David Nolen
- Use lowercase maps in count docstringCLJS-2947David Nolen
- docstring for to-arrayCLJS-2937Resolved issue: CLJS-2937Mike Fikes
- The doc string for vector is incorrectCLJS-2925David Nolen
- Update docstring for set! to reflect 3-argument capabilityCLJS-2924Mike Fikes
- nth is documented as working on Matchers and ListsCLJS-2853David Nolen
- Update doto docstring to not use Java exampleCLJS-2821Resolved issue: CLJS-2821Mike Fikes
- Docstring for sort-by misspells "function"CLJS-2743Resolved issue: CLJS-2743David Nolen
- Refine doc string for defmultiCLJS-2735David Nolen
- Add :arglists to defmultiCLJS-2734Resolved issue: CLJS-2734David Nolen
- Docstring error in clojure.core/filter, remove, and take-whileCLJS-2730Resolved issue: CLJS-2730Mike Fikes
- drop-last docstring refers to 'coll' but args refer to 's'CLJS-2729David Nolen
- Clarify that cljs.core/eval is really intended for bootstrapped ClojureScriptCLJS-2664Resolved issue: CLJS-2664David Nolen
- Docstring for uri? refers to capital XCLJS-2631Resolved issue: CLJS-2631David Nolen
- Document that -t accepts noneCLJS-2533Resolved issue: CLJS-2533David Nolen
- Update docstrings for str/replace and str/replace-first from ClojureCLJS-2437Resolved issue: CLJS-2437David Nolen
- docstring for cli->js should describe :keyword-fnCLJS-2432Resolved issue: CLJS-2432
- docstring for clojure.string/split-lines needs escapingCLJS-2427Resolved issue: CLJS-2427David Nolen
- Add docstrings for map and positional factory functionsCLJS-2407Resolved issue: CLJS-2407David Nolen
- Document and test that min-key, max-key return lastCLJS-2403Resolved issue: CLJS-2403David Nolen
- Document return value of js-deleteCLJS-2277Resolved issue: CLJS-2277David Nolen
- Docstring for neg-int? backwardsCLJS-2263Resolved issue: CLJS-2263David Nolen
- case docstring should explain constants may be evaluated (cljs only)CLJS-2209David Nolen
- Clean up doc references to clojure.spec.* in favor of cljs.spec.*CLJS-2191Resolved issue: CLJS-2191David Nolen
- Update docstrings for aget/aset to be consistent with ClojureCLJS-2186Resolved issue: CLJS-2186David Nolen
- memfn docstring refers to Java and reflectionCLJS-2172Resolved issue: CLJS-2172David Nolen
50 of 221
Improving readability by adding docstrings
Nicola Mometto
Nicola MomettoReporter
Matthew West
Matthew WestLabels
Created March 30, 2015 at 11:33 PM
Updated April 3, 2015 at 9:37 PM
Resolved April 3, 2015 at 9:37 PM
Nicola Mometto April 3, 2015 at 9:37 PM
Matthew West April 2, 2015 at 7:50 PM
Correctly formatted patch for application
Nicola Mometto April 1, 2015 at 11:11 PM
Hi Matthew, thanks for the contribution.
Please read on how to attach a properly formatted patch to a clojure ticket, I'll be more then happy to apply it then!
While reading through the codebase in preparation for writing my GSOC 2015 application, I added docstrings to many (not quite all) functions which lacked them.
Also, I changed one function to use the variable name rdr instead of reader to be consistent with the rest of the project.