While we are not opposed to addressing this ticket, we are not interested in addressing it at the expense of performance in comparisons that we care about more, and none of the current proposals meets that bar. For now, I am moving this to Backlog but would pull it out if a solution presents itself.
Alex Miller March 16, 2015 at 6:18 PM
afaik, we are still in search of an approach with tolerable performance impacts before this can be considered.
Max Penet March 16, 2015 at 5:22 PM
This bit me again today as well (wasted a lot of time before figuring this one out). Any chance we'll have a patch for 1.7?
c.c/hash always use hashCode for java collections, which is incompatible when comparing with Clojure collections, which use Murmur3.
One way to fix it is to add a special case in Util/hasheq for java.util.Collections, as it is now for Strings.
Link to a discussion of this topic in the Clojure group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/clojure/dQhdwZsyIEw