- syntax quote on imported typename does not match JVMCLJCLR-170Resolved issue: CLJCLR-170
- RT.classForName -- include [ as a character triggering full ClrTypeSpec resolutionCLJCLR-169Resolved issue: CLJCLR-169David Miller
- Reflector.InvokeMatchingMethod -- Second error message has "static" -- should be either "static" or "instance", depending.CLJCLR-168Resolved issue: CLJCLR-168
- Reflector.GetMethods -- when filtering generic methods, should also filter for typeArgs and method's generic parameter list having the same sizeCLJCLR-167Resolved issue: CLJCLR-167
- Direct linking should be turned on for initial load of core.clj and other startup files.CLJCLR-166Resolved issue: CLJCLR-166
- Improve error message when type arguments are not supplied to generic method call (interop)CLJCLR-165Resolved issue: CLJCLR-165
- Change dotnet-version to return a map of integer values (:major, :minor, :incremental) instead of a string.CLJCLR-164Resolved issue: CLJCLR-164
- clojure.lang.PushbackTextReader provides a buffer for only characterCLJCLR-163
- printing stack frame elements shows StackFrameFrame instead of the declaring type of the methodCLJCLR-162Resolved issue: CLJCLR-162
- Repeated .cljr in error messageCLJCLR-161Resolved issue: CLJCLR-161
- clojure.lang.PushbackTextReader does not properly implement Peek.CLJCLR-160
- Error in subseqCLJCLR-159Resolved issue: CLJCLR-159
- Improve error message for file not found during loadingCLJCLR-158Resolved issue: CLJCLR-158David Miller
- File path exception (null value encountered) in RT.GetFindFilePathsCLJCLR-157Resolved issue: CLJCLR-157
- gen-delegate not providing type hints for parametersCLJCLR-156Resolved issue: CLJCLR-156
- Failure to find <namespace>.cljr embedded resourceCLJCLR-155Resolved issue: CLJCLR-155
- Error message for failure to load has repeated 'cljr' in the error message.CLJCLR-154Resolved issue: CLJCLR-154
- sys-action fails when no type-args are givenCLJCLR-153Resolved issue: CLJCLR-153
- Reflection errors in clojure/repl.cljCLJCLR-152Resolved issue: CLJCLR-152
- recur does not properly resolve boolean loop variable with bool constantCLJCLR-151
- the format function prints True/False for booleans instead of true/falseCLJCLR-150Resolved issue: CLJCLR-150
- clojure.string/split and clojure.string/split-lines should not return trailing empty stringsCLJCLR-149Resolved issue: CLJCLR-149
- Return tags on functions have incomplete symbol names, e.g. String instead of System.String.CLJCLR-148Resolved issue: CLJCLR-148
- :file metadata has complete path, does not match JVMCLJCLR-147Resolved issue: CLJCLR-147
- import of instantiated generic type aliases the type name improperlyCLJCLR-146
- (symbol :key) failsCLJCLR-145Resolved issue: CLJCLR-145
- Incorrect application of type-args on reflected generic method callCLJCLR-144Resolved issue: CLJCLR-144
- pr-str does not print meta information when *print-meta* is true on maps (but is okay on vectors).CLJCLR-143Resolved issue: CLJCLR-143
- Macro 'case' can fail due to lack of stability for string hash codes.CLJCLR-142Resolved issue: CLJCLR-142
- RT.load not properly forming names to search for DLLsCLJCLR-141Resolved issue: CLJCLR-141
- clojure.core.server/accept-connection fails on client closing connection, server process dies.CLJCLR-140Resolved issue: CLJCLR-140
- ArrayChunk.reduce should not deref a Reduced valueCLJCLR-139Resolved issue: CLJCLR-139David Miller
- at startup, look for user.cljr and user.cljc before user.clj.CLJCLR-138Resolved issue: CLJCLR-138
- Numbers.ClrDecimal.Ops.remainder() is incorrect. Mimi what is done in DoubleOps.remainder()CLJCLR-137Resolved issue: CLJCLR-137
- Numbers.ToBidDecimal(x) -- need to add a case for CLR decimalCLJCLR-136Resolved issue: CLJCLR-136David Miller
- Numbers.minus(object,object) -- unsigned long does not support negate, so this method fails for this case.CLJCLR-135Resolved issue: CLJCLR-135
- APersistentVector+RSeq -- two-arg reduce should check for Reduced value at exitCLJCLR-134Resolved issue: CLJCLR-134
- Semantics of as-file differs from ClojureCLJCLR-133Resolved issue: CLJCLR-133
- Span overloads causing boxing errorsCLJCLR-132
- Unnecessary cal to Util.CovertLong in Numbers.hasheqCLJCLR-131Resolved issue: CLJCLR-131
- .NET Framework programs dynamically loading a DLL that references Clojure fails on RT initialization trying to load the spec dllsCLJCLR-130
- RT:initialization: Skip assembly if we can't get its typesCLJCLR-129Resolved issue: CLJCLR-129
- Renormalize line endings in all filesCLJCLR-128Resolved issue: CLJCLR-128
- slurp without encoding prints erroneous warningCLJCLR-127Resolved issue: CLJCLR-127
- Split from clojure.test-clojure.compilation the parts that need AOT-compilationCLJCLR-126Resolved issue: CLJCLR-126
- The value for :arglists in meta for functions has type clojure.lang.PersistentVector+ChunkedSeq. Supposed to satisfy list? according to a test in clojure.test-clojure.compilation.CLJCLR-125Resolved issue: CLJCLR-125
- Update .NET 6 & 7 output directory names to correctly reflect the build targetCLJCLR-124Resolved issue: CLJCLR-124David Miller
- Allow the loading of .cljr source files. Prefer to .cljc and .clj.CLJCLR-123Resolved issue: CLJCLR-123
- volatile-mutable not recognized in some subforms of deftype methodsCLJCLR-122
- str on Symbols causes extra memory allocationCLJCLR-121Resolved issue: CLJCLR-121David Miller
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